Once again our special guest presenter for the fourth year will be Robin Shewokis of the Leather Elves. Robin is a renowned enrichment consultant to zoos and the companion bird community. She will present a special workshop segment about enriching the lives of captive raptors.
The cost of the two-day class is $115.00. This includes printed class materials and a light lunch on both days. Pre-registration is required and class size will be limited to ensure all students get maximum time “hands-on” with our birds – contact us (classesavianambassadors
com?subject=8th%20Annual%20Raptor%20Handling%20Class) today for your registration form or call (505) 349 5714. We look forward to hearing from you!
Early-bird special!
Register and pay before May 31, 2012 at the reduced fee of $105.
Registered attendees are offered a special rate of $89.00/night by the Marriott Hotel for the weekend of the workshop.