Avian Ambassadors’ 6th Annual Raptor Handling Class
Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th July, 2009
From 9.30a to 4.00p at
The Marriott Hotel, Albuquerque, NM
Meet the stars of the Flights of Education Shows
We are pleased to announce the dates for our 6th Annual Raptor Handling Class. This year’s class will be held at the Marriott Hotel in Uptown Albuquerque on the weekend of July 11th and 12th, 2009.
This year we have a guest presenter; Robin Shewokis of The Leather Elves will present “Enrichment for Captive Raptors”. Robin has consulted with zoos around the world on the subject of environmental enrichment for captive animals. This is a great opportunity – having Robin visit us in Albuquerque and present during our class.
In addition to Robin’s presentation the class includes:
- Basic raptor biology
- Equipment used with raptors in educational programs
- Handling techniques
- Raptor possession permit requirements
- Introduction to science based training strategies
- Hands-on time with birds
Since this class has a hands-on component the size of the class is limited so please make your reservation as soon as possible.
The cost of the class is $65.00 per person; this includes a printed handbook and a lunch snack on each day. Please call (505) 349 5714 or email classesAvianAmbassadors
com (classes
com) for a registration form today. Places in the class will be filled on a first come first served basis. Your registration will be confirmed when we acknowledge receipt of payment.
We have secured a special room rate at the Marriott Uptown Hotel of $89.00 per night for those travelling to Albuquerque. Please call (505) 881-6800 to make room reservations and be sure to mention the “Raptor Handling Class” in order to secure the special rate.